Thursday, April 4, 2019

And yes, I'm 60!!!

Whoaaaa, I am 60!  Golly, that 10 years went by so quickly.  So this is life at 60... bad achy bones during the winter, backache, the mind going faster than the slowing body 😂, favorite word in doctor's clinic is now everything "degenerative",  forgetting things not even after an hour, 😕. Not to mention the so many medications to take, etc, etc, etc...

Others like to spend their days, what they call enjoying life to the max, livin' la vida loca, as my friend Helen would say.  Others, spending it in solitude and quietness, while other in shopping, or working to death to be rich... Many ways, many forms, depending on how one would define it.

I guess mine still remains the same.  My life motto of , "life is but simple!"  I still choose a quiet, family oriented, simple lifestyle.  Spend only what you earn after tithes and a little savings (more, if it allows).  I'm not sure if it's right for me to say, I can't be rich.  Unless I win a lotto, I am, unfortunately, not one of those goal oriented people.  Sounds bad noh?   I recall my favorite boss, Lilian Kamal whom I served for more than 10 years at Stanford, on my 1st year with her, on my review day, she asked me, "what's you work goal?"  My reply?  "None, I just love working for you.  I'm happy in what I do and happy to do the work."  On my 2nd year, she asked me the same question, my reply? The same.  The 3rd year, she asked me again, my reply, the same.  There was no more on the 4th year and any succeeding years.  It cracks me up, but I still have the same response.  Does that mean I am unfulfilled? Unhappy?  A definite Nope indeed.  I still am happy to do what I do, I think I am good in being a "servant" to my bosses, I still find Mondays my best day because, my thinking is, if I don't have Mondays, I won't get to my Fridays and that is one motivation for me. 😉

So, at 60, what else do I expect? or Wish for?  A lot more, hoping and praying for another grand child, but that's up to our Gracious God, good and healthy long lives for my Ria and Andrew, and Addi, the good future the Lord has promised to them.

More enjoyable time with our "Tiny" Addi as she grows up, more memories with her.  Do I still need to say how much I enjoy "lola-hood?" 😊💗

Of course a secure financial future but I leave that up to the Lord, doing what we need to do about it.  Some time with family back home.  A retirement home where I can spend a less cold winter season.

My daughter asks me what I want for my 60th birthday?  I still say, I don't know.  I still and really don't know because my thinking is, I have all I need, not my wants but my needs that I know completes me already.  My husband Ray, my Ria, Andrew and our sweet "Tiny" Addi.  That, next to Jesus, they are the best things that give sparks to my life.  It's a life that completes me.

Just like King Solomon, even if I see life to be meaningless (sometimes, hahaha), I still seek wisdom above all (Psalm 90:12) and the presence of the Holy Spirit in me, not to depart from me (Psalm 51:11) and for goodness and mercy to follow me  all the days of my life, (Psalm23:6).

Happy 60th Birthday to me.  I kind of anticipate reaching 70, and wonder what God has in store for ne, for us.  But for now,  Ephesians 3:17-18 (TLB)  is what I'll try to treasure in my heart.  Now this is my wish, this is what I want...
"17 And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in (my) your hearts, living within (me) you as (I) you trust in him. May (my) your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love; 18-19 and may (I) you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for (myself) yourselves, though it is so great that (I) you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last (I) you will be filled up with God himself." 


Goodbye Carl...

    February 8, 2019.  It was late afternoon, in Greendale, playing with our Addi.  Day we got a devastating news that Carl passed away.  None of us couldn't believe it.  But it's real...our hearts we're broken. I can't imagine the Macugay boys without him.  It's now incomplete, not the same anymore...
    My husband is normally quite an "emotionless" guy, but he did shed tears, for his "baby" brother.  Not sure what went through his heart, all I know was, there's sadness in it, one I have not seen for long time.
    February 21, we bid our final goodbye.  We still do not know the real reason behind the loss of life, but to those who knew him well, was the mention of a great, funny, helpful and kind hearted guy,  It was great to see his friends, who came and paid respects, mentioned beautiful words and what lingers was his nephew, Marcel, who in his eulogy left a wonderful lesson of death and love...always remember to say "i love you" when our love ones are still with us.
    Goodbye Carl.  You will be fondly missed.  
Hope you are good from where you are...